Monthly Archives: June 2018

So much going on in the world…


I’m grateful for those working on the US/Mexico border to end family separation. If you want to send stuff, a friend’s synagogue is collecting:

Please send toiletries, toys and care packages to the border. Send care packages to:

Michael Blum, Social Action Chair
Temple Emanuel
4300 Chai Street (North C Street)

McAllen, Texas 78504

There are also people activating today to seek to make the country a more welcoming place, despite the Supreme Court ruling upholding the “Muslim Ban.” Thank you.

Looking to root causes, I was excited to be a part of one of the Roundtables of the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative. Through the leadership of Pope Francis, the Vatican may write an encyclical on nonviolence, imploring Christians to consider the example of Jesus and his constant creative responses to violence with a nonviolent commitment to change and challenging the inequitable power structures. More info here. This is a big deal because it would de-center the Just War theory, and increase knowledge about nonviolent social change tactics worldwide.
Jonathan and I are creating some videos on behalf of Mennonite Church USA to promote these concepts within our communities. Stay tuned for that later in the year…

Right now we’ve been focused on the 21st century’s Poor People’s Campaign:

In their own words: “In the coming months, we will focus on organizing, mobilizing voters and building power among the 140 million Americans living in poverty, particularly in the often-ignored South. Poor and low income people from California to the Carolinas are ignored by politicians from both parties. And even though there are 171 electoral votes from Maryland to Texas, much of the South is ignored in the political calculations made by campaign decision makers around elections.

A movement has to fight for the whole country and that’s exactly what we’re doing.” You can also co-sign a letter to the United Nations to ask the Human Rights Council to convene a hearing about the severity of poverty in the US. Click here to add your name.


It was a joy to hang out as mixed Mennos (biracial, multicultural) on Jonathan’s last visit to Atlanta, around the time when we celebrated 51 years since the Loving vs. Virginia case which was a landmark case overruling anti-miscegenation laws. Check out Ryan’s artistic work to lift up interracial partnerships:


Mixed Mennos

Overall, I’m still focused on the question of mainstreaming composting toilets. I’m currently learning from SOIL’s approach, in Haiti. Here is a vid that follows the “waste stream” from poop collection to compost.

Also, I’m still doing a lot of training for nonviolent direct action. Next one is in Pennsylvania during the Carnival de Resistance. There is some amazing innovation happening…Ruckus Society and It Takes Roots came together to do an action camp that focused on addressing BOTH natural and political disasters. We must be equipped, and many activists and communities are not. But that is changing. We are learning the old ways, with new tactics. Contact me if you want more info on that goodness.