Monthly Archives: August 2017

Encircle Them With Energetic Encouragement



At the solidarity prayer rally in Chicago on August 14.  With Cantor Friedman singing about the world being a narrow bridge…and the most important thing to recall is to remember the command to “not be afraid.” Awesome chant leaders from Chicago Moral Mondays work are in front of us, rocking the American Friends Service Committee’s posters reminding us that we, the community will defend each other by the strength of our relationships.

An email I wrote to friends and fam titled Encircle Them With Energetic Encouragement inspired re-posting. Glad it could help folks know what to do from afar. Wherever you are, your work matters. Take a deep breath now to celebrate yourself. Thanks.

As people committed to living out our faith and values daily and on the frontlines of war and violent conflict, we learned a lot from what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 11-12, 2017. We continue to learn. We have new questions, new realizations about how to organize and prepare well, and a recognition of the ferocity of the right wing. Most importantly, we have a deeper determination to build bridges in our community that can withstand the damage hate inflicts.

The Mennonite magazine covered perspectives of various ones of us who participated.

One love. Cya back out on the streets, protestifying!